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Ok, firstly...running man is ssssoooooo freaking daebak! Amazing! Super duper funny! I loooovvveee Running Man! To be honest, ak ni x delah fanatic sgt dgn korea...i mean, i watch drama korea, i know korean songs, i even have my collection of korean drama...but biasa2 je la. minat tu x de la sampai blh jadi gile..beli majalah kpop or whatever.
Tpppp...sejak ak tgk RM ni, sejak ak mula berkenalan dgn RM ni...boleh kata, lama klamaan minat pd super junior, Kim jong kook, leessang, yoon mi rae, SNSD, and byk lg la..mula la appear dlm diri ak ni. Sampaikan collection lagu2 ak mostly was korean song! And nothing's wrong with that, cause i loveeee it so much! <3
Again, ak x tau pun RM ni wujud sbenarnye...msti korg ckp "Byknye yg die x tau. Ape je yg die tau sbenarnye...?" Haha! Nevermind...ak x kecik ati pun sbb ak mmg tau yg ak ni agak ktinggalan skit, agak lurus...agak katak bwh tempurung jugakla. Ak x suka sgt amik tau hal2 dunia ni. Dulu laaa...itu dulu. Bygkan, dr ak drjah 1 smpailah 6, ak x pnh tgk berita, x pnh bace newspaper pun. Sbb bg ak bnda tu mcm myemak, x seronok lgsung! And ak pelik sgt2 knpe la family ak smuanye suka tgk brita...? Ak...??? bile rncangan kartun, rncangan favourite ak on air, ak mnempel la dpn tv smpai brjam2 lamanye...bile news start appear, ak angkat kaki, ak blah. LOL...ntah pape la ak ni kan?
Pnh x korg jumpe manusia mcm ak...? Haha...ak x igt la sejak bile ak layan tgk news and amik tau pasal dunia ni. Yg pnting sjak ak kat skola mnengah la...tu yg bru tbukak minda tu. ;) Tp drama korea, ak da layan sejak skola rendah lg...korg minat korea x??? For sure, msti ramai gile yg minat kan? X pyh tnye pun da blh tau da....well, antara drama korea yg mninggalkan impact yg byk dan kuat kat mata,brain and hati ak are as follow:
Anddd..byk lg sbenarnye, tp da lupe tajuknye sbb cite2 yg ak suka smuanye da bkurun lama. Bestkan cite2 ni? Firstly, ak knl RM bile ak pnjam pndrive roomate ak which is my junior time ak part 4 dulu. I called her Zas. She's so lovely! Baik budaknye...ak tgk kat dlm pndrive die ada folder yg btajuk RM70. Ak pun bukak and tgk la...at first I thought RM tu stands for Ringgit Malaysia. Tu yg ak excited nk tgk tu smbil brkata dlm hati "Ada ke org buat cite pasal duit?". haha..see..?? sooo naive! Then bile da tgk, ak punyelah mgekek ktawa sorg2 dlm blik smpai pkul 3 pg! sbb its amazingly klaka.
Then time kat hostel, si zas ni plak dok atas katil ak. Everyday, bile die ada je kat bilik, msti die ktawa mgekek2...ak pun smpai naik pelik jugak la. Ak asyik trtanye2 je, "Ape la yg budak ni tgk smpai ktawa mcm tu skali." Then..pd mulanye, ak buat dont know je..mls nk kacau privacy org. Until one day, time die tgh mgekek ktawa, ak pnjat katil and tnye die tgk ape sbenarnye smpai ktawa mcm tu...then she show me the show. Then barula aku tringat yg ak prnah tgk all that cast before..so, ak pun tnye la ape tajuk variety show tu, then she said it was Running Man.
Ak pun ape lagi...terus hulur external, and ask her to give me all the episodes that she have! Start dr tu, i've become a RUNNING MAN addict! Ak pulak yg mgekek2 ktawa everyday! hahahaha! Then my another roomate plak yg jd excited..at last, one whole room become a running man fan! Sejak dr hari tue, zas la jd supplier RM ak sbb ak x tau cmne nk download RM tue. And since ak x pkai broadband, kmudahan wifi plak limited, susah la ak nk dwnload....
Kdg2 ak tnye kat zas, ada x episode bru..cause ak da ktagih nk tgk. Kdg2 x pyh susah2 ak brtanye, Zas trus ckp "Kak Anis, kite da ada Running Man yg baru. Nak tak?" LOL...Of course akak nak Zas oiiii....!
Then after hbs sem 4, da x sbilik dgn Zas coz i'm moving out from hostel...dok myewa kat luar plak..tputus la bekalan RM. Sobs,sob! Soooo sad guys! Cra ak nk ubat rindu dgn RM is ak akan tgk smula episode2 RM yg ak ada. Then until one fine day...ak tau sndri camne nk dwnload RM...berkat drpada usaha my hubby yg tolong set up kan laptop ak dgn mcm2 downloader. Hahaha! My hubby mmg expert gile bab2 laptop ni...ak tau gune je! ^^,
And now, external and laptop ak pun da full dgn RM from episode 1 until 117!! phewwww! Da x tau mne nk simpan da..kne beli another external nmpaknye! ;) Mmg plan nk khaskan satu external utk RM shaja. Ak paling suka monday couple! Sape yg x suka kan? I think, gary dgn ji hyo mmg sweet as a couple. I wish them to be a real couple, not just in the show...!
Tp sayangnye...ji hyo da ada pakwe, and gary still single and heartbroken sbb ji hyo da bpunye...Poor Gary! Ak sayang gile gary ni! Dlm byk2 member RM, ak paling suka Gary and Jae suk!! You guys suka sape? Tbukti...Gary is the strongest Running Man! Not sparta Kook eventhough Kookie is Mr. capable, but Gary is the strongest!! Yahooo!!
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Sape ckp Gary x handsome??? Wrong!! Gary is sooooo handsome! |
Gwang soo and Suk Jin hyung antara member yang lemah dlm RM. Msti diorg yg paling awal terkeluar and fail dlm mission. Diorg member yg paling fail utk jadi spy..LOL, kesian! Sparta plak suka sgt buli diorg bdua...and die mmd hebat la dlm stiap mission cume satu je...sparta mmg lemah bile tibe tang manusia yg brnama perempuan.
Gary...?? Die sntiasa suprisekan audience dgn bakat dan kbolehan yg tersembunyi...and his very low profile! I like it...! Ji hyo is the Ace! Die mmg hebat! Pandai pun ye. And for the record..die la paling byk menang mission and gold from running man. Best kan? Jae suk oppa mmg best! Cara die MC kan program tu, sgguh menawan kalbu! Die plari yg terpantas bile tibe tang myelamatkan diri die dr dtangkap, and he's such a good spy too!
One thing is...ak x fhm knpe org ckp Jae suk x handsome, same goes to gary cause for me, diorg ni mmg handsome. Bkn sbb ak fanatik dgn RM, tp ikhlas dr mata ak sndiri..mmg diorg handsome. Bg korang, diorg handsome x...???
Haha is the great schemer! Paling pandai berlakon and menipu. Haha! Pantang jumpe guest pmpuan, mesti nk jual minyak! Sooo...semua character diorg ni mmbuatkan RUNNING MAN jd menarik utk ditonton. They complete each other. If hilang salah sorg dr diorg ni, Running Man wont be the same lg...and I hope,RM x kan bhenti siarannye. X kira la if die mencecah jutaan episode pun, or sampai org da muak tgk diorg pun, for me I'll never get tired of it! I want more and more RUNNING MAN episodes, each day! Seriously guys...RUNNING MAN IS HOL DAEBAK!! xoXo! ;D
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