I'm not pretty sure if ada org yg bace blog i ni, sbb yeah you know..i'm the newbie. Maybe org x tau pun bout kwujudan blog ak ni...maybe some does! Klu x de org bace...its a little bit pathetic for me right? Membebel hari2...igtkan ada la org bace, bkogsi pendapat and rasa. Skali x de...huhuuhu, sad! yeah..but, i'm pretty sure that one day, i'll not be alone..same goes to my blog! Kene optimistic! Igt tu anis! ;)
If any of you guys find my writing is intresting...and u guys did enjoy reading it, please...have the pleasure. Come back each day and read my blog, no one will ever put a stop sign on it. But..if no one finds that my writing is fun, i may as well enjoy it by myself... :(
Sooo...like before, i said that i'm going to tell you guys bout how on earth did i find this paranormal activity movie right? Ok, for the record..since gmbr paranormal activity 1 ni de la creepy mane, ak brani la amik. but bkn amik kat google images tau, nk tau ak amik kat mane? haha! ce teka? Ak amik kat wikipedia! LOL! seebbbaaabbb...?? I'm scared!! X nk cari kat google images sbb sure punyelah, mesti ada terselit gmbar2 creepy paranormal 2,3 and 4! Ak x sanggguuupppp! Tak sanggup langsung nk bhayakan condition jantung ak yg masih sihat ni. hehe! Sooo..sorry guys, gmbr bout this paranormal activity ni mmg terpaksa diterhadkan kat blog ak.
Bkn sbb korg yg bace jadi takut, tp sbb penulis blog die sendiri yang takut! How funny is that? weee....hehe! ^^, Ok, enough! Ak jumpe movie ni mse ak tgh jalan2 dgn my two favourite best friend which are Zue and Eyza! Diorg ni are my girls till i'm dead!
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Ok, yg ni eyza. Nama penuh die Norliza Musa. She's my very best friend! |
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Ok yg ni pulak, yg baju color hijau brown tu tau! Yg tu is my Zue! She's my bestfriend jgk! |
Then, cite ni brjaya tarik phatian kitorg. Again, kitorg x tau pun yg cite ni wujud sbenarnye. tak de iklan kat tv, x tgok trailer kat you tube, tau2 je da ada kat cinema. Ke kitorg yg x amik pduli? haha..no answer! But, klu korg nak tau, kwn ak si zue ni mmg fanatik dgn cite hantu. Klu kuar dgn die, then ada cite hantu, mmg die akan ajak korg tgk. Tak pun, mse first2 jumpe lagi, die akan ckp mcm ni "Eh, korg nk tgk wayang x? Tgk cite hantu nak?" LOL..hahah! Zuueeee...sorryyy...ak x ngumpat ko tau. Ak ckp benda yg benar...^^,
Then, masuk la kitorg bertiga ke cinema...ak pilih utk duduk tgh2. I need to seat in between my girls sbbnye,ak ni penakut! if ak takut, ak akan terkejut, if aku terkejut, ak akan menjerit..and if ak menjerit, my whole body will be in action, and when that happens, i need to hold someone hand or body to hide my face or to calm myself! its simple as that! HEHE
Mse tgh tgk cite ni...ada la scene2 yg buat ak trkejut ssgt sampai ak tertendang kusi org dpn ak. Nyaris nk trtendang kpala die! HAHA..nasib baik x kene, klu tak...?? ah sudah...movie ke mane, ape ke mane...jadi drama plak kat dlm cinema tu. Drama "Knpe ko tendang kpala aku". HAAHHA..! LOL
Ak ngan liza punyelah takut smpai pegang2 tgn, menjerit2, si zue ni...ce korg teka ape yg die buat? Nak tau..??? Ada ke patut, die bukak mata besau2, pandang screen cinema tu. Punye la excited die tgk cite hantu tu. Haha..it's just sssooooo unbelievable guys! X sangka ak ada kawan yg incredible mcm ni. hahahaks!
Keep up the good work zue! Then start from that very day, ak sentiasa follow movie ni. Cite ni kisah benar sbenarnye..i mean paranormal 1 diadaptasikan dr kisah benar. Start from paranormal 2..they just made up the stories. Balik je dr tgk cite ni...OMG, ak blh tido lena hampir a week! Tido mlm..tp tido2 ayam je. Siang hari bru ak tido2 klawar..haha! that means, tido lena la..sbb effect dr cite ni la. Ada ke die buat scene tgh2 ko sdap2 tido, kaki ko kne tarik dgn hantu sampai ko jatuh kat lantai! WTH...??? And ada ke patut diorg buat scene time korg tgh sdap2 tido, pakai selimut, ada plak hantu tu masuk dlm slimut ko dgn mrangkak la, tarik selimut ko la. Macam2 lagi la crazy scene die...UNBELIVABLE! Sooooo damn creeeppyyy!
So tell me, after u guys see this movie, seen the scenes, boleh ke korg tdo dgn lena??? Unless korg x pgecut mcm ak la..sbb tu la, ak blh nk sdiakn gmbar2 movie ni kat sini. Ni blum lg ak crita pasal insidious or dark flight. HUH! Cerita...BOLEH! Nk letak gmbar...????? I'm afraid i cant!
Lg satu, ak mmg benci katil yg bawah die open. I mean katil yg mcm ni:
Sbb nnti mula la otak ak fikir yg bukan2 time nk tido. And bile ak takut, ak akan buat kepungan bandal over my whole body sbb i want to feel safe. Ak rse slamat bile ak tau yg hantu tu x de ruang nk myelit tido tepi aku. Hahahha...what a nonsense! Tp ak pduli ape..janji ak rse slamat. Mse tgk insidious, ak tgk dgn my hubby. Time tgk tu, jgn cite laaa...tahap creepy insidious tu lg truk dr paranormal and disebabkan trlalu takut, habis sampai kaki2 aku naik atas seat my hubby. Habis kuat punye hug. Tu sbb da ktakutan sgt2. Hahahah..kesian abang. Tpaksa hadap ak yg pgecut ni. Org lain tgk movie horror dok atas seat masing2, ak tgk movie horror, smpai hmpir sparuh body pindah atas seat hubby aku. What can i say...??
One more thing, cuti sem part 4 yg lepas, ak pegi tgk movie dgn zue. Guess ak tgk cite ape? Horror movie guys! Zue yg pilih! Ak ikutkan je...konon2 nk blagak brani laaa....skali? Hampeh! Mula2 je ak tgk sbb mse mula movie tu, mne ada seram..klaka ada la. And ak rase tertipu skit dgn dak zue ni sbb ak igtkan tu cite hantu inggeris, rupe2 nye cite hantu thailand!!! OMG!! Tau knpe ak igt tu cite hantu english? Sbb tajuk die DARK FLIGHT! DARK FLIGHT guys! nampak disitu? haha..si zue plak da tau tu cite thailand, mati2 igt ak pun tau. Klu ak tau dr awal, mmg jgn harap ak masuk tgk movie ni!!
Tau x ape ak buat mse tgk movie ni??? Org lain tgk screen, aku???? Ak tgk kulit beg tgn aku yang aku tutupkan ke muka dan mata aku start dr 20 minit cite tu mula sampai la habis, ak dok kejang macam tu jugak! Hahahah! what a waste of money right...??? Ada satu movie tu nama die SOLOMONE KANE, ak pg tgk cite ni dgn my hubby. Cite ni mostly pasal perang2..best jgk la, tapi ada 1 scene tu mgejutkan ak,sbb ak x expect binatang tu or should i say like a spirit tu akan muncul at that particular time. Sooo...ak pun tkejut gile gile punye gile sampai ak demam panas yang amat teruk when i went home. I had that fever for almost a week also. ^^, klaka sungguh bile ak igt2 balik...haissshhhh!!
Now, rase mcm nk pg tgk sinister la pulak mmandangkan hubby ak balik hari ni. See....??? penakut, pengecut, tp ada hati nk tgk horror movie lagi. Hahaha! ape la ko ni anis. Bile la ak nk jadi berani ni? I have nnnoooo idea when will that happens. Till then, Bye! ^^,
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