Da lama aku nak habaq kat korang pasal ni...but I just feel it wasn't the right time to tell bout it, cause to write an entry bout WISTERIA LANE requires a great courage and bring lots of emotions from me. So, I decided to wait until the special moment to come and guess what....? Finally, it's about time!
In this entry, aku tak nak celoteh pepanjang kat mata korang, it's gonna be just a lot of pictures, so enjoy it.
For those yang tak pernah tgk DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES ni, aku tak tau nk ckp ape dah. But one thing that I do know...if korang nak tau ape yang hebat sgt pasal Wisteria Lane ni, and in order to feel what I've felt about this street, go buy or download it, or might as well as ketuk pintu umah neighbours korang and ask "Ada collection Desperate Housewives tak?" If the answer is no, korang tarik tangan jiran korang tu pulak utk teman korang pergi ketuk rumah jiran sebelah and the cycle goes on and on until....???? Bila korang da dapat collection DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES ni, baru korang boleh bersurai! Ada paham??
(Ak tak mintak korang dptkan complete smpai season 8, korg dapat season one pun cukuplah. Confirm after tgk, kaki korang tak sabar2 nak berjalan pergi ketuk umah orang utk amik season 2 pulak!)
DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES ni pasal ape je??? Hangpa tak tau ka...?? Oh, dia pasal isteri-isteri yang desperate, and selalu sgt ada masalah. Everytime the crisis arise, ada je cara diorang nak handle whether in a good or bad way. This story was comprises with excitement, jokes, funny moments, troubles, happiness, friendship, mysteries, and all sorts of thing yang kita akan deal with our own lives. Bezanya, diorang omputih, kita melayu dan islam. Maybe ada byk bnda yang depa buat, kita tak buat cthnye mcm drink alcohol and many more, but hey, come on...watch it, and learn moral of the story! (Bukan aku soh korang tiru gaya western diorang tau. Jangan memandai kata aku ajaq benda tak semenggah okayyy?)
Pada yang mmg fanatik gile pasal DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES mcm aku ni, and da lama follow cite ni, moh le kita bersama-sama recall the sweet memories down Wisteria Lane!
The story begins.....
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My siblings from another mother. ;) |
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From left (Susan, Karen Mcluskey, Bree, Katherine, Gaby.) |
Okay, ponat terang satu2 kat korang...aku terang mana yang penting je tau! Yang lain....korang pergi tengok sekarang! Huhuhu... ;)
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Okay, yang paling kiri skali tu la Edie! ;) |
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Lynette kene held hostage kat supermarket by a crazy woman. Almost get her killed. Paling best episode ni. |
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Nak lagi best? Time Katherine gone crazy sbb gilakan Mike yang tinggalkan die for Susan. (Kan aku da cakap, Susan tu Drama Queen.) |
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Airplane crash into Wisteria Lane...ko mampu bayang?? |
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Celia solis, die ni comel bangat! Anak gaby, and yet...naughty! |
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Edie Britt died! Paling sedih! :'( |
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Juanita Solis, anak gaby jugak. Ni tahap degil die perghhh...250% kot! Scene yang paling best dalam stiap season is bile ada scene anak2 gaby. Huru hara wa cakap sama lu bhai.... |
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Mike and Ian bgado brebut Susan. Kan aku dah ckp, Susan ni Drama Queen. Lihat aja buktinya! |
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Lynette hidap cancer, and diorang tgh pandang ape tu?? Pandang tornado dpn bijik mata... |
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Ha ni lah tornado yang kome kat atas ni pandang, tapi ni jauh lagi... Time diorang pandang, tornado tu da ada depan bijik mata. |
Eh, kalau nak listkan interesting scenes dalam series ni, sampai letrik umah aku kene potong pun, belum tentu aku boleh habis listkan...cause korang cuba imagine, tutup mata and bayangkan eh, *Buat!* . Okay, series ni ada 8 seasons and dalam satu season, paling kurang ada 20 episodes, so setiap episodes tu menarik nak mampos, ha cube korang kira brape ratus episodes yang aku kene listkan untuk tatapan mata korang?? Ko mampu...?? Aku tak mampu...ketaq lutut! (Korang buat la kira-kira ea, aku malas cause otak da tepu dengan maths!). So conclusionnya...tengok la sendiri.
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Adore Gaby's punye wardrobe, ala - ala mcm ni la, not exactly the same. Dream to have one! |
Stakat ni aku belum habis tengok and menghayati sampai 8 season, aku baru je masuk season 6 ni ha, actually da tgk da kat 8tv, but terskip-skip, so aku tak puas hati...aku download la sume seasons die and watch again and again! Tak jemu langsung you ollsz...but episodes yang buat aku kuarkan air mata and hingus free are when eli died! :'(
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This is my Eli! :'( |
He's one of the nicest guy I've ever meet! Seriously....die mmg tersangat2 baik. Baik yang melampau amat, if korang tgk episodes ni, sediakan towel kat bahu tau. Jgn pakai tisu...confirm tak cukup. (Ak tak mampu nak komen lagi...cause ingat Eli, terasa sebak sangat2.) *Over kan?* Whatever.
The other episodes yang paling buat aku rasa sayang sgt kat Wisteria Lane ni, rasa paling sayang sangat kat desperate housewives sampai aku rasa aku nak terbang pergi Wisteria Lane time tu jugak is when diorang taburkan ashes Edie Britt kat seluruh Wisteria Lane....very heart wrenching moments. :'(
You have to watch this:
And the most part yang paling aku suka dalam series ni....??? It's the houses! Gosh....how I wish I would've owned it all. I want it to be mine! :'(
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Bree House's! Adore the lawn. |
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Gaby House's. Adore the view and roses! |
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Lynette House's. Adore the interior! |
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Susan House's. Adore the house and everything of it. I want it to be mine!! :'( |
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Edie House's. Adore the design! |
Silap-silap, mati dalam angan-angan je.... :'( If aku dapat jejak kaki kat Wisteria Lane ni...aku nak turun, rasa and pegang semua yang ada kat situ, even the road itself! I want to be drown and immerse myself and I dont want to come back home, I just want to live there...in my Wisteria Lane. :'(
Know what makes me sad....?? Watch this video...! You have to!
In the series, everyday Wisteria Lane looks sooooo damn alive to me, it's like it is a real suburbs, and I adore it so much....the second when I look at this video, I felt so sad and desperate...my heart begin to whispers and my eyes begin to search the life's that ones was there...and tears start falling down my cheeks as I discovered the life's that ones was there, may not be lived again as it has comes to an end. :'(
So...i guess now, you all know why Wisteria Lane is so damn important to me and...fairfarren fairview!
Someday, on one fine day...I'll make sure that I would be there. :')
si aniss , desperate housewives maniacc ^_^
ReplyDeleteof course! ^^,